Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Winners and Losers of the World Series

The World-Series Winners, were the S.F. Giant's, and the Loser's were the Detroit Tigers. This World-Series only took 4-games, it normally takes 7, but if the Giant's win 4 right off the bat, there's no-need to play any other games, and that's exactly what they did.. The Giant's won the final game, 2-0, As part of the Giant's Impressive Win, Pablo-Sandoval hit 3 Home-Runs, in the First-Game of the Series. He was awarded the MVP(Most-Valuable Player) Award,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Philadelphia-Phillies Website

If you want to visit a website, that has a lot of memorable players; Such as Hank-Aaron, Mike-Shmidt, etc., and your really into the Philadelphia-Phillies; then visit PHILADELPHIAPHLLIES.COM.On the website, you can find any additional-players, who they have
traded, their next Game-Scheduled, etc.You can also find pictures from their most-recent games, etc


Eyes, eyes and only eyes
only yours and only for you
Must you ask
and must I answer?
That question, probing my masculinity
“What do you want?”
Eyes, eyes and only eyes

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Philadelphia Eagles New-Coach

Philadelphia Eagles' Change-in-Coaching

I think that it was a good-idea, because they couldn't do much, with Juan-Castillo around. I think it was a good Change-in-Coaching.I think Todd-Bowles, was a much better choice.. With Juan-Castillo, The Eagles, have not had a Sack, in three-games. I think the Philadelphia-Eagle's will have a much better chance, now that they've got Juan-Castillo out of the picture.You can get more; if you want; at PHILADELPHIA-EAGLES.COM.
I haven't really been following the changes, but this sounds good to me.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


If you do not understand 'Replacement-Referee's, I did not fully get it at first, but it was explained to me; They have expeience at the College-Level, but not the professional level. They'll probably misjudge the line, as to calling foul's, and not calling foul's. The playing-speed, is faster, at the Professional level. The player's, and coaches, might want to get calls in their sides favor, It must be difficult being a Replacement-Referee. I think we should Take-It-Easy on Replacement-Referee's, because of all the stuff they had to go through.