Thursday, May 30, 2013

Iron Man 3 & Star Trek: Into Darkness Review

Due to my being busy with other projects during the two weeks in which Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: Into Dankness came out consecutively, I am forced to do a joint review of the two films.

Iron Man 3 Review:

The third installment in the Iron Man film series has a lot to accomplish. The film has to stand on its own merits as well as introduce Marvel Studios’ Phase 2 (the series of films leading up to The Avengers 2). Finally, the film must also deliver a satisfying conclusion to the Iron Man film trilogy. Having seen this film, I believe that Iron Man 3 is a great conclusion to the trilogy.  However, I believe that as a whole, it falls just short of expectations.

Iron Man 3 is directed by Shane Black (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, his only previous directing credit), and not directed by Jon Favreau, (the director of the first two Iron Man films). Black does a fine job and the action is well shot. The film is at its heart, a character piece. Robert Downey Jr. returns as Tony Stark/Iron Man, and he is as witty and entertaining in the role as ever. In this film, Tony is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after the events of The Avengers, when he met gods and aliens and almost died. Tony’s PTSD is mainly given a comedic spin, with frequent panic attacks. While Tony’s PTSD could have been developed more, and his character arc is not quite as believable as it was in the original Iron Man, he is still a well-rounded and likeable character. All the side characters are also back and given expanded roles: Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts, Jon Favreau as Tony’s guard Happy, and Don Cheadle as Colonel Rhodes, aka War Machine. In this film however, the War Machine armor has been given a new function and paint job by the US government, this time as Iron Patriot. This is because of the threat of super-terrorist, The Mandarin (Ben Kingsley) as well as the terrorist group AIM, headed by Aldrich Killian (Guy Pierce). These treats push Tony to his limits, and make him question himself as both a person and a crime fighter.

Star Trek: Into Darkness Review

This is the second film in a new series of Star Trek films. While I enjoyed the first film in the new series, Star Trek (2009), I feel that this film is even better than the first. So far, it looks like this new franchise is off to a good start; however, it is clear that old, classic series’ of shows and films still looms over this one, both for good and for ill. Into Darkness picks up where the first film left off: Jim Kirk (Chris Pine) and the Enterprise crew are on a routine mission getting acclimated to their new responsibilities. However, they don’t have much time to get settled before Admiral Marcus (Peter Weller) sends them into Klingon space to capture Starfleet fugitive John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch). As always, things are not as they seem, and Kirk, Spock (Zachary Quinto), Bones (Karl Urban), and the rest of the crew are pushed to their limits. Beaming into the cast is Dr. Carol Marcus, (the Admiral's daughter), whom Star Trek fans may remember from Star Trek II: the Wrath of Khan. As previously mentioned, there are additional references to Classic Trek in the film. These references are fine up to a point, but they eventually become gratuitous and kind of lame. At the risk of spoilers, that’s pretty much all I have to say on that subject.

Both Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: Into Darkness, are great popcorn action films. I personally enjoyed Star Trek a little more than Iron Man. Still, both films were very good and served their franchises well. I recommend both of these films.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Autumn or Fall

             When I think of Autumn, or Fall, I think of the leaves outside, as they fall off the trees. How beautiful it looks as you roam the path you're following, out in the forest, woods, or whatever. The trees, up ahead, look pretty bare, without their foliage.

            It's Pretty, Beautiful, Fantastic-Looking. It looks pretty Awesome. It is very colorful outside.

Monday, May 20, 2013

FREDDY Galvis and Erik Kratz both homer in the ninth to give the Phillies a 3-2 win over Cincinatti!

After Cliff Lee made a critical base running mistake, Freddy Galvis came to the plate with the Phillies down 2-1 and two outs. It was up to him to keep the game alive. He hit the pitch hard to the stands.  And the Phillies still had life, with Erik Kratz up next, the catcher, he saw a few pitches and then it happened again, a home run which won the game 3-2!  Never count out the fightins!

Extended Vacation

My Mom's sister Marcia arrived from St. Louis by plane last Thursday evening. I was so happy to see her again even though it had only been a couple of months since she was last here. Marcia is my hero and inspiration. This past Saturday, Marcia, Mom, and I went to see the Cantate Carlisle concert, eat pizza and take me back. They are driving down on Wednesday to play mini-golf, and this coming Saturday for my brother's housewarming and the Memorial Day weekend. The following weekend all five of us are going to Baltimore to see the Baltimore Orioles play the Detroit Tigers; GO DETROIT! The day after the ballgame, on Sunday, Marcia goes home to the Midwest.

By: Daniel

Monday, May 6, 2013

On wed may 1 2013
acadia had a chilli cook-off there was about ten different kinds of chilli there I tried most of them its hard to say witch one was the best they were all good ! Madonnas kickin chichen won first place !
The money that was raised is going to acadias relay for life team ! The cook -off made $360.00 ! There were a lot of people there that I havent seen before . Ther was other food ther also cornbread and brownies drinks It was a very nice day out ! To have the cook-off! By Ray

On June 7th, Relay for Life will be taking place at the Conestoga Valley High School track. It is an all day
and all night event and proceeds from sales will be going to support the research for different types of cancers. Acadia supported Relay for Life last year where we raised $1100 and our goal this year our goal is $1500. We will again have someone on the track all day long in support of our cancer stricken clients; Mr. J.B. (lung cancer) and Ms. Lydia (brain cancer). Both of them are daily on my mind and give me a reason to get up in the morning. Someday, I hope, there will be a cure for cancer for all people diagnosed! Until then, pray for the survivors and the victims.