Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Life and Expectations of George Washington

George Washington was born February-22, 1732, and died December 14, 1799, at the age of 67. He was General during the Revolutionary War, and first President of the United-States. The first Washington in America, his great-grandfather, was John Washington. Augustine Washington, George's father, bought more land and even owned slaves. With his land he built mills and grew tobacco. There is not a lot of information on George's childhood, but his half-brother raised him, because his dad died at age 11. He worked as a surveyor, George's thoughts on land was the more land the better. His half-brother Lawrence died and willed to George 8,000-acres.

George's first time in combat, during the French and Indian war, was a failure. His second time, started at Fort Dusquenne, but also involved Fort Niagara, and Crown Pointe. He barely escapes and ordered a retreat. Named a commander at 23 years old. Led over 700 soldiers. But he got sent home with dysentarie. He retired to Virginia, then he applied to the British Army but got turned down. He married Martha and into a wealthy family. They had two children, Jacky and Patsy. Jacky they had during the Revolutionary war, Patsy he had after the war. Between retirement and the Revolutionary War, he worked on his land.

The Townsend Acts, of 1767 got Washington involved in the Revolutionary War. In 1775, he was selected by Congress, he was named the Commander-In-Chief of the Continental Army. His selection was based on personality and not government ability or battle experience. He didn't have experience leading big troops. It's easier to lead 30, than 300 soldiers. Early in the war he had success but not enough troops to continue fighting. He lost at the battle of Brandywine, but at the battle of Saratoga he won. Because he won there France got involved. Spending the winter at Valley Forge caused 5,000 of those soldiers died due to disease. He lead a successful attack at Monmouth Courthouse. It forced British General Charles Cornwallace flee to New York. On October 19th, 1781 America won the Revolutionary War at Yorktown. After the war Washington retired on December 28, 1783 and went back to being a farmer.