Top 10 Ways To Destroy The Earth!
10)____________________________ Clue: This came from Space!
9)____________________________ Clue: Global Warming doesn't begin to describe this!
8)____________________________ Clue: Man, its cold on the surface!
7)____________________________ Clue: There would be 2 Seasons if we did this: Bad and Worse!
6)____________________________ Clue: This may cease to exist in the future!
5)____________________________ Clue: Lets stretch the Earth to the breaking point!
4)____________________________ Clue: Or better yet lets drop one through the North Pole!
3)____________________________ Clue: Lets blow up the Earth with something you can get from the Sun!
2)____________________________ Clue: This is perhaps the most weird way to destroy the Earth!
1)____________________________ Clue: This involves other realms!
0)____________________________ Clue: How about you think of your own way to destroy the Earth!