Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Summer Olympics 2012 London England

       The Summer Olympics, which is always an event which bring many tourist too the host city will be hosted by London England during the 2012 games.  This is good news for the people of London who are surviveing through one of the worst economic crashes ever.  It is estameted that the 2012 Olympic Games will bring in about 1.6 billion dollars for British busnieses which as the prime minister David Cameroon said. The games will bring investors too London if they have never been there before.  But with the outside investments the games bring several problems with it too the host city.  Owners of London's movie theater's are ecpecting the theaters to be filled tith empty seats.  Also the London form of public transportaion, the tube, which is like the subway had its contuctors therten to strike. But with the games comes the growth of the construction insustry. This will also help England's economy since the construction companies will need to buy building matterial and also hire prople to design sporting complexes, which England will be able to turn into housing complexes, because the foundation had already been layed, once the 2012 Olympic games have been cimpleted. As the former wastlands of East End have been completly remaid so that they will comply with the olympic building standards.  This formula worked in 1992 when Barcelona hosted the summer olympics and again in 2010 when Vancouver hosted the winter olympics they were forced to sell some of there assets.  But for every eucess story there is one that ends up with the opposite end result. There is an Athens story of despair, who hosted the 2004 and ended up in dept with millions of dollers still to pay of after they hosted the Olympic games. For every tale of debt and depair, there is the angle Vancouver choice to take and sell off some of its own assets to help pay for the total cost of the games.