Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday, June 17,2013 @ 12:35PM

I watched a few baseball games on Saturday afternoon. My favored National league team the Washington Nationals lost. My favored American league team the Baltimore Orioles won.
I went to church yesterday (Sunday) morning. It was a blessed service! Every Saturday night before I go to bed I kneel down and pray for the churches (at home and the ones around the world that belong to my church at home and the one I attend here) to be blessed. Please don't get me wrong, I pray before I eat and before I go to bed every night, besides on Saturday. Last night I called my church at home ( Church of God Universal) and talked to one of my brothers and he told me that they are working hard to get me transferred int this place on Mill Street in my home real soon. I'll be close enough to attend the services on Wednesday evening and Sunday morning and evening!
I talked to my brother Brook last night and he told me that for certain he will come over here and get me home with him for a visit around the middle of summer. I also called and talked to my second cousin Billy Beard and he told me for certain that he will get me that Kawasaki ZXR-14 for me very soon! I hope it will be blue but it could be red anyway, it doesn't matter as long as I have it!
I talked to my Uncle Aldus on the phone and he told me he will work real hard to get me accepted into this place in South Potomac Street in Waynesboro and live with him and Aunt Nancy very soon.
I'll have that new sport bike and my cousin Jim Seylar is getting me this brand new Corvette, in red and I hope with a hard top and a manual transmission very soon! I'll have the fastest bike on the road and one of the fastest cars on the road also. Jim, his mom,dad,sisters,brother, brother-in-laws, and sister-in-laws are working very hard to get me transferred into one of three places in Chambersburg very soon because I've been stuck away from home now for sixteen and a half years now.
The thing that upsets me the most is that when I was stuck in these places after I was dismissed from the hospital my wife (at the time) Carol told me that I would be stuck in these places for only eight years. She divorced me on April 14, 2007 and she has been accepting MY workers insurance checks and my Social Security Disability checks ( Made out in MY NAME) sense 1997. She is ripping me off in a major way. She is going to see me in court when I get home for good , if that ever happens.
I have a very good lawyer and I'll use him to sue Carol. It really depends on how much cash I have in my bank account at home. I figured out sense the first of the year and she has gotten almost $600000 of mine since 1997.