Tuesday, December 18, 2012


In 2013, I believe the baseball scene will pan out as stated below. Your National League teams will be as follows:
The East will be the Washington Nationals who are carried by a tremendous pitching staff. The Central should be the power
hungry Cincinnati Reds. Out West there's the very formidable
Los Angeles Dodgers leaving the Wild Card team as the Pittsburgh Pirates. After all is said and done, the LA Dodgers should win their league.
Hopefully the American League teams will wind up being the Toronto Blue Jays in the East, the Chicago White Sox in the Central, the Oakland A's out West and the Los Angeles Angels rounding out their league. I believe very strongly that the Oakland Athletics will walk away with their league's crown.
Come World Series time, my gut tells me that when the season finally comes to an end, the Los Angeles Dodgers will raise the championship banner. Remember folks, it's only about a month and a half until spring training so get ready because here it comes!


Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Memory

 One Year for Christmas, I received A Connect-Four game. I wasn't really looking for that gift. I still was grateful, for the gift, and gave thanks. I gave the game a try, and liked it; I wasn't that good at it, but in time, got better at it.

Ben W.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Do you think Andy Reid should be fired???

I think it's time for a new coach! Even the owner (Jeffery Laurie) told Andy if you don't make it to the Super Bowl this year you're fired!
The Eagles lost to the Patriots in the 2004 Super Bowl! And they lost in three straight NFC campionship games.
Right now the Eagles are in a 6 game losing streak which is the longest losing streak of any of Andy Reid's teams anywhere!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Dark Knight Rises

Movie in Review 

This summer two of the most famous and recognizable super heroes, Batman and Spider-Man, had major blockbuster films released in the same month (July). As a fan of both heroes, naturally I saw both films on opening day. I try my best to publish movie reviews as soon as I see them, but I was on vacation between releases, so I could not post separate articles for the films. Instead, I will review each film separately and comparatively here as they may have different appeal. I strive to be as   objective as possible in my and rate each film on based on a 5-star system. 

The Amazing Spider Man    


This film is a studio reboot of the previous Spider-Man film franchise, previously a trilogy directed by Sam Raimi and staring Toby McGuire. (This film was directed by Marc Webb and stars Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-Man). As such, this version had to take a completely different approach. Not only is this film darker and more character-driven than the more traditional Raimi films, but the story is altered so that Peter’s parents are just as important to Peter’s origin as Uncle Ben (Martin Sheen). Don’t misunderstand me, Martin Sheen does a great job as Uncle Ben and he really sells Ben's influence on Peter. The difference is, in this adaptation—unlike  most earlier versions—Peter  was old enough to remember his parents before they disappeared, so he felt more of a connection with them. Besides that single change, the story is solid and the characters are likable, particularly Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, and his first girlfriend Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone). What I enjoyed most about this movie was the humor. While The Amazing Spider Spider-man’s story is a slightly darker drama and takes itself more seriously than the films, original Spider-Man films directed by Sam Raimi, one problem some fans (including me) had with Raimi’s films is that they did not portray the Spider-Man character as funny. In this film, Webb is able to juxtapose the dramatic story with a comedic Spider-Man.  For the nerds like me, this is more faithful to the original comic book character, because when Peter puts on the mask, he is a different person from the Peter in his average life. As Spider-man, he’s cocky and will often make light of the villain or the situation. This dual characterization is something the Sam Raimi movies sometimes forgot. This movie doesn’t, and I found it quite refreshing. Every scene with Spider-Man is enjoyable to watch for both the humor and the action. One flaw that I will point out is that the climax is a little overdrawn and stretches disbelief at times. It’s hard to elaborate without giving too much away, but there’s a lot that has to happen to get to the final scene and some of it happens too quickly to make sense, when you think about it (The Dark Knight Rises has this problem too). Otherwise, The Amazing Spider-Man is a well-executed thrill-ride start to finish. If you’re a Spider-Man fan, you will like this movie.

The Dark Knight Rises  

The final super hero movie this year, The Dark Knight Rises, was also the final film in director Christopher Nolan’s trilogy of Batman movies. Whereas you may not necessarily have to see Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films before seeing The Amazing Spider-Man, I recommend having watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight before seeing this film, because it is truly played as the finale. If you aren’t familiar with the other two films, (especially the first) you may not understand or appreciate this film as well as you could otherwise. The story is less about the Batman character as it is about Gotham city and Bruce Wayne adjusting to the aftermath of The Dark Knight. Apparently, Batman has cleaned up the city of its criminals, but at the expense of his body. Now, he is not Batman, but a beaten up, worn out Bruce Wayne. You may be thinking, “Where is the powerful Batman in this Batman movie?” Don’t worry, as long as trouble finds its way to Gotham City, Batman will surface, weakened or not, willing once again to put his life on the line to protect Gotham City. And “Oh Boy!” is there trouble in Gotham. First, Bruce is introduced to the master thief/love interest Salina Kyle, a.k.a. Catwoman. We also meet Bain, the incredibly strong and highly intelligent member of the League of Shadows—the cult from the first film—that trained Bruce to fight crime with the ultimate goal of destroying Gotham. Does all that seem a little complicated? It is, especially when you add subplots about the police department, represented by Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman), and John Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), dealing with the aftermath of the Harvey Dent scandal from the last film. However, if there is one thing screenwriters Christopher and Jonathan Nolan do well, it’s making complicated plots easy to follow. Just like in The Dark Knight, the right exposition comes right where you need it. It’s not boring or wasteful. Like the overall plot, it can get hard to follow at times. There’s a lot of movie to pay attention to (165 minutes of it). But as I said, Nolan brothers always do a great job of keeping you informed and entertained throughout the film. This screenplay, while not quite as polished as The Dark Knight’s, is nonetheless very good, and the acting is likewise superb. Yes, Christian Bale still puts on that over-the top voice for Batman, which is even sillier in this film. But Bale does a great job playing Bruce Wayne, and the rest of the cast is top- notch—including  the before-mentioned Oldman and Gordon-Levitt—as  well as the villains Bain and Catwoman—played  by Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway respectively. There is one other flaw to this film; and that is that the obligatory Chris Nolan twist ending has a few problems with it—not the least being that if you aren’t familiar with the Batman comics, then there’s a good chance you’ll be even more confused. Those viewers, who are familiar with the Batman comics like me, are more likely to understand and appreciate the ending, but if you’re not familiar, you will probably be left with more questions. 

As stated above, The Dark Knight Rises and The Amazing Spider-Man are both worth watching, but for very different reasons. The Amazing Spider-Man is more like a typical superhero action film, whereas The Dark Knight Rises is more of a psychological thriller and character-study.  Both films have action (Spider-Man a little more), and both films have drama (The Dark Knight Rises a little more). While I gave Spider-Man a higher star-rating, I liked The Dark Knight Rises a little better. This is because, while The Dark Knight Rises has more flaws than The Amazing Spider-Man, I appreciated and enjoyed it more—despite them.  Your tastes may differ from mine.

Both movies are available on DVD or Blu-Ray this holiday season.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Winners and Losers of the World Series

The World-Series Winners, were the S.F. Giant's, and the Loser's were the Detroit Tigers. This World-Series only took 4-games, it normally takes 7, but if the Giant's win 4 right off the bat, there's no-need to play any other games, and that's exactly what they did.. The Giant's won the final game, 2-0, As part of the Giant's Impressive Win, Pablo-Sandoval hit 3 Home-Runs, in the First-Game of the Series. He was awarded the MVP(Most-Valuable Player) Award,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Philadelphia-Phillies Website

If you want to visit a website, that has a lot of memorable players; Such as Hank-Aaron, Mike-Shmidt, etc., and your really into the Philadelphia-Phillies; then visit PHILADELPHIAPHLLIES.COM.On the website, you can find any additional-players, who they have
traded, their next Game-Scheduled, etc.You can also find pictures from their most-recent games, etc


Eyes, eyes and only eyes
only yours and only for you
Must you ask
and must I answer?
That question, probing my masculinity
“What do you want?”
Eyes, eyes and only eyes

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Philadelphia Eagles New-Coach

Philadelphia Eagles' Change-in-Coaching

I think that it was a good-idea, because they couldn't do much, with Juan-Castillo around. I think it was a good Change-in-Coaching.I think Todd-Bowles, was a much better choice.. With Juan-Castillo, The Eagles, have not had a Sack, in three-games. I think the Philadelphia-Eagle's will have a much better chance, now that they've got Juan-Castillo out of the picture.You can get more; if you want; at PHILADELPHIA-EAGLES.COM.
I haven't really been following the changes, but this sounds good to me.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


If you do not understand 'Replacement-Referee's, I did not fully get it at first, but it was explained to me; They have expeience at the College-Level, but not the professional level. They'll probably misjudge the line, as to calling foul's, and not calling foul's. The playing-speed, is faster, at the Professional level. The player's, and coaches, might want to get calls in their sides favor, It must be difficult being a Replacement-Referee. I think we should Take-It-Easy on Replacement-Referee's, because of all the stuff they had to go through.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

             THE LAST RESORT

    In 1976, the Eagles were a fairly popular band in the world of popular music.
They had to follow up their breakthrough album "One of These Nights which topped the charts.
Don Henley and Glenn Frey were writing one day and out came "Hotel California!"  Along with that hit, came crowd favorite in-concert hit "Victim of Love," along with "New Kid in Town", "Wasted Time" and the very telling song entitled "The Last Resort" which says "...put up a bunch of ugly boxes; Geez, people bought them...".  "Hotel California" was the number one album of 1976 and certified 16 times platinum.  "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave!"  Sad, but true.
     By: Daniel

Today's news


York councilwoman Joanne Borders dies. The details of her death are not clear.She was 67 years old.
The Democratic party of York released a statement saying it's members are shocked and saddend by the sudden passing of York councilwoman Joanne Borders. Our thoughts and prays go out to her family and friends.


At the very tender age of 23, Miss Taylor Alison Swift (raised in Wyomissing, PA) is about to release her third album entitled “Red” from which the first single “We Are Never, Ever Getting Back Together” is already being quite well received. A few months ago, Swift released her double live CD/DVD from the “Blown Away” concert tour in Chicago, IL before 13,000 plus screaming fans. For being as young as she is, she is more popular than most people will ever get; think about it for just a second!

In other country news, Ms. Carrie Underwood extended her “Blown Away” tour by four concerts (all in
Canada). The tour is so successful ,in part, because of the lead-off single “Good Girl.” Carrie also has the voice of a wailing, native Oklahoma Banshee Indian. Long live girl country power!

In the men's world, Rascal Flatts is performing on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno AFTER receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I mean, come on, what an honor!

Long live “Keepin' it Country!”                             Daniel

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Memorable Sports’ ball


If you want a sports-ball, with a certain team’s name, logo, there are a lot of sites you can go to; but I’d suggest ‘SPORTSBALL.NET’, and just tell them the Team Name, the year/season because the website may refer to it differently, Like say you want the 1969 Flyers,  just type in The Philadelphia-Flyers/1969.

The cost may be pretty pricy, or expensive, so like tell your Caregiver, or Parent, to get it for you for Xmas, or person that sent you to this program.  If I were to get a piece of Sports’ Memorabilia, I would get a baseball from the Phillies/1979-1980, because there is 1-player, that played from about 1969-1983, who I really like. If I were to get an Astros’ ball, from 1969-1973, I wouldn’t mind,  just tossing it, because I’m not really into that team, or year.


my thoughts on acadia and developmental issues

Acadia provides many services to help others with developmental issues after a head injury. I have suffered one as well. I came to Acadia as well. And I have a good time as well. I don't like to be in the PT gym to much. There's not a bunch to do besides to walk with walker. I only like to come to Acadia to see smiling faces. I enjoy my time here when I see some clients that enjoy being with me .
What a Feeling!

In the early 80's, there were a lot of dancing movies like Xanadu, Grease, Footloose, And the ever amazing Flashdance. Jennifer Beals did almost all of her own stunts in
the movie, and she acted quite well. The storyline is gritty and real for a lot of people who could relate. Another fact about the movies success was the ever catchy soundtrack hits
What a Feeling,” “Maniac” and “Manhunt.” I had a friend in musical school who was actually compared to Jennifer Beals! If you ever have a bad day remember, “maniac, maniac on the floor...”!

Weather for today

Tornado Watch for Lancaster Pa. From September 17 12:13 pm until September 18 7:00 pm.

Rain today may be heave at times. Temperature 72 feels like 73 high of 75 low of 57.
Visibility of 65 mph.

Winds up to 16 mph South.

Humidity 87 o/o

Tomorrow partly cloudy temperature high of 70 low of 45 partly cloudy.

Memorable Sports’ ball
If you want a sports-ball, with a certain team’s name, logo, there are a lot of sites you can go to; but I’d suggest ‘SPORTSBALL.NET’, and just tell them the Team Name, the year/season because the website may refer to it differently, Like say you want the 1969 Flyers,  just type in The Philadelphia-Flyers/1969.
The cost may be pretty pricy, or expensive, so like tell your Caregiver, or Parent, to get it for you for Xmas, or person that sent you to this program.  If I were to get a piece of Sports’ Memorabilia, I would get a baseball from the Phillies/1979-1980, because there is 1-player, that played from about 1969-1983, who I really like. If I were to get an Astros’ ball, from 1969-1973, I wouldn’t mind,  just tossing it, because I’m not really into that team, or year.

Before, During & After Fall

Every once and awhile you see,
things are getting colder slowly.
Even in cool winds you know,
this is much better than snow!

Things are so pretty in fall,
like leaves you post on your wall.
Everything is in such peace,
and it just seems like extacy.

8 up, 7 down!

This year's baseball postseason is different than last years because there are now two wild card teams in each league. I think that in the National League, the teams will be in the east, baseball's hottest team presently, the Washington Nationals, the central, the Cincinatti Reds, out west, the Giants, and the two wild card teams will be the Atlanta Braves and the Los Angeles Dodgers. Over on the junior circuit, the Yankees of New York will win the east, the Chicago White Sox in the central, the very dangerous Texas Rangers out west, and our wild cards will most likely be the Baltimore Orioles and the Oakland Athletics. When all is said and done, 2012's World Series champ will probably be the Washington Nationals in 6. Play Ball!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer time when my sister and I were young meant going to our aunt and uncle's house, going to their pool, and meeting with old friends and making new friends. Going to different places like The
zoo, going in to the city to see the liberty bell, and just having fun, also playing tricks on Our aunt , having water gun fights with my dad and sister, and having fun with each other.

Fall meant going back to school when I was young looking forward to trick er treating , having fun with friends sleep over parties and as always my dad teasing my sister and I, and our friends.

Winter meant in December going out and buying a Christmas tree, Helping to wrap Christmas gifts for each other. Playing Christmas music while decorating the tree, making Christmas cookies. Going to church on Christmas eve. Just enjoying the holidays.

Spring time meant planting flowers, running around the back yard with the dog, Taking her for walks around the block and caring her at times when she got scared when she hear a noise she did not like.
It is fun having fun with my family.

Jackie Serviss
Journey's Escape!

By late 1980, the rock band Journey had taken a few small steps toward stardom when they replaced founding member/keyboardist/vocalist Gregg Rolie with Julliard School of Music graduate Jonathan Leonard Cain.
He was an accomplished pianist/guitarist/vocalist and unknown to the band a
very talented songwriter. (He wrote “Open Arms” junior year at Julliard.) Jon along with Journey vocalist Steve Perry co-wrote every song on the bands' up and coming new album “Escape” released in February of 1981. The albums' leadoff single, “Who's Cryin' Now” made #4 and its follow up “Don't Stop Believin'” hit #9. The bands' peak came in December of that year when Jon Cain's slow, spare power ballad “Open Arms” struck radios peak position at #1! Finally, by 1981, Journey had finally earned their place in rock music history.

By: Daniel

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I Will Always Remember You!

I Will Remember You

When I was ten/eleven years old, one of the more popular pop music acts out there was Amy Grant.
In 1990-1991 she released what would become her opus album, “Heart in Motion.” It had very catchy melodies and the lyrics just told it like it was. The album opens with the songs “Good for Me,” “Baby, Baby,” “Every Heartbeat,” “That's What Love is For and finally “I Will
Remember You.” Ms. Grant included a song called “Ask Me,” a song about a friend of hers who was sexually abused. It is a very real song. Of my dozens and dozens of albums, this is one of my favorites. Amy, I will always Remember You.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Review for Shiawasa no Iro by Josh Bressler

Just like my last review, I found out about this song through an anime. This anime is called Ah! My Goddess!
When I watched the first episode, I had decided to continue the series. If you ever get the time, try listening to this on YouTube.com.


Reason 2 Believe!

When Wilson Phillips first took their spot at the top pf the charts, the year was 1990. The band was comprised of soprano I Chynna Phillips, contralto Carnie Wilson and solid, steady alto II Wendy Wilson to round out their magnificent harmonic sound. The trio sent three singles to the top of the charts: “Hold On,” “Release Me” and “You're in Love.” At the Grammys that year, the girls bagged awards for Album of the Year, Single of the Year (“Hold On,”) and Music Video of the Year (also “Hold On”) to name a few. Long story short, Wilson Phillips began shaping the sound of early 90's pop music. As the last song on that album goes, “The Dream is Still Alive!”

Review for Sakasama no Chou by Josh Bressler

I found out about this song when started watching the anime Hell Girl(producers Aniplex), I took a liking to the show and song. I would say both the anime and song very excellent. If you ever get the time, try going to AnimeRatio.com and look up Hell Girl. Try listening to the song here first.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Don't Make A Mistake At The Beach

Don't wear dark colors, that would be a major mistake. The sun is attracted to dark colors so that the sun will burn your skin fast. Make sure that you wear a lot of sunscreen so that you won't look like a cherry all summer. It's nice to have something to be comfortable so bring chairs and beverages.


Good Music

What makes music, good?
I like music that tells a story,
In  a special way.
I like music thats got rhythm
to make me move.
I like music that can performed
to entertain many.
I like music that I can relate to
that triggers a memory.
I like music that makes me feel happy inside
and you can tell on the outside.
I love good music.

Bill B.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What the Fourth of July means to me.

The Fourth of July means getting together with famly amd watching the fireworks.

Years ago it ment family reunions with my mom's family. Eatting KFC chicken. Rememoring the fun times in the car when mom wold ask my dad if he wonted some chicken and she was trying to put the piece of chicken in to his mouth in stead it would wind up in his ear, since my mom would be paying to much atenchin to the road instead of puting the piece of chicken in his mouth.They were some funny times and still are.

Being with family is so special to me.

I love the Fourth of July. I look forward to it every year.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Clients are Given a Voice at Brain Injury Rally

Clients Are Given a Voice at Brain Injury RallyBy Jonathan Whitlock
Funding for services is extremely important to individuals with brain injuries.  Early in April, the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania announced their plans for a rally in Harrisburg, supporting continued funding and services for those affected.  Upon hearing about this from Acadia’s COO, Jack Poplar, the Acadia clients organized an outing to participate in the event, which was scheduled for Wednesday, May 2, 2012.
  On the day of the event, ten clients and four staff from Acadia traveled in 2 large vans to the State Capital in Harrisburg to join the rally.  After making our way through the enormous lines at the security check, we joined the crowd in the Rotunda, where there are classic marble floors and walls, and a picturesque mural on the ceiling.  The rotunda was filled with advocates and survivors, many of them holding signs with messages supporting continuance of funding.   
   Four advocates and seven state legislators took turns talking about the matter of funding, each illustrating the issues of limited funding and delays in eligibility for services.  Several family members of those with TBIs shared heart wrenching stories about their individual journeys, and gave specific examples of funding challenges.  These focused on the need for immediate availability of such services as attendant care at the home, as well as community-based programs, such as Acadia and UDS - Adult Enrichment.
  The advocates also endorsed the need to create a brain injury advisory board, to give the survivors an opportunity to influence their own services. Additionally, they advocated for the passage of a law, giving PA citizens the chance to make informed decisions in choosing their insurance coverage. Their last point illustrated the need to take action to prevent brain injury, which includes education in schools and communities. Increasing awareness will hopefully reduce the number of brain injuries. 
  After the speakers were finished, there was a chance for citizens to mingle with the legislators.  We then enjoyed a wonderful lunch downstairs in the café, where many legislators meet to eat.  Upon embarking back to Acadia, we were enthused about at the opportunity to participate in the rally and make ourselves heard to the state representatives.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Avengers Review

In my last article, I gave a preview of this year's summer blockbusters, the first of which was The Avengers, a film that Marvel studios has been building up to for years. The Avengers was an enormous project and huge gamble on Marvel's part. So many different pieces had to come together—from the writing to the acting to the marketing—for this project to be successful. And it all hinged on this one film. And guess what? It worked - Beautifully! Sure, there were a few bumps along the way (Thor and Iron Man 2 weren’t the blockbuster hits or critical successes as they could have been), but The Avengers was every bit the film it was supposed to be. Not only is The Avengers a worldwide phenomenon, but it's an incredible movie. I realize, of course, that I am only one of millions who have praised this film. Audiences and critics around the world love The Avengers. I say the more the merrier.  As far as I'm concerned, this is the kind of movie that absolutely everyone (who is old enough) should see. The Avengers is one of those rare action comedies where both the action and the comedy are extremely well done, and incredibly well balanced. There’s a huge battle at the end of the movie that takes place in New York, in which Black Widow turns to Hawkeye and says, “This is like Budapest all over again, huh,” to which he replies, “You and I remember Budapest very differently.”

The villain of this movie is Loki, Thor’s stepbrother, who starts out the film by opening a portal into the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters from his realm of Asgard, so that he can steal an immensely powerful object called the Teseract. Loki threatens to subjugate humanity under his rule believing that subservience is our “natural state.” Eventually, The Avengers are assembled to try and stop him. Samuel L. Jackson plays SHIELD director Nick Fury, who gathers Iron Man/Tony Stark, (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), Bruce Banner/The Hulk, (Mark Ruffalo), and SHIELD agents Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and Clint Baton/Hawkeye  (Jeremy Renner) on The Avengers own private airship which serves as the primary set piece for the movie and where Loki willing gets taken prisoner (it’s all part of his plan).The Avengers exchange some very funny and well written scenes of dialogue where they try (and fail) to work together as a team. Screenwriter Joss Whedon has a knack for witting ensemble pieces and this film is no exception,. Whedon also directed the movie, and I was very impressed at how well-put together the action scenes are. All the action is clearly shot: you can tell who is doing what. The fights are also well paced and high energy.  One of the best aspects of the film is that while it is a two-and-a-half hour movie, it doesn’t really feel like it’s that long while you’re watching it. The film is so engaging and high-energy t that while there is a lot of movie, the events seem to fly by. On the negative side, the film makes an effort to weave in essential exposition about plot and characters that were first established in the Avengers tie-in films to better make this a stand-alone film. For the most part, I’d say it’s successful at hat. However, I would say the film takes too many elements from Thor to make at least that movie recommended viewing for context. Granted, I was just more confused by having seen that movie because Thor’s powers are supposed to me gone by the end. The film tries to justify Thor’s presence and continued use of his powers in a quick exchange between Thor and Loki, but it comes off as a bit forced. I might also recommend Iron Man 2, since that was the introduction of Nick Fury and Black Widow, and there was a lot of discussion of the Avengers Initiative. With this kind of movies it always helps to at least be familiar with the source material, but I think the Marvel movies have done a great job of condensing 60+ years of continuity and making it comprehendible to a wider audience. The Avengers film didn’t need to delve into the back-story of the Chitauri the alien warrior race that Loki convinces to fight for him. Al that matters to the story is that the Chitauri take part in the invasion-of-New York fight scene at the end of the film. In brief, this is a film for everyone. I saw it twice, and that's really the best possible compliment I can give this film.
Colin V.

No Self Control


This is the song "No Self Control" by Peter Gabriel. It was filmed lived for his P.O.V. concert video, & if you look closely, you can see Steve Van Zandt & Nils Lofgren of the E Street Band at the beginning of the video. I like how they used the backlight during the bridge.

Creek Mary's Blood


This is the song "Creek Mary's Blood" by the Finnish heavy metal band Nightwish featuring John Two-Hawks. It was filmed live at Hartwall Arena in Helsinki, Finland, for their "End Of An Era" concert DVD.  I like it because i have the DVD.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ray's Poetry

There once was a man named ray 
he likes to play all day 
but some other people said that is not okay 
I don't know what else to say . 

I once met a girl from frystown 
every day shes still bringing me down 
but whenever she comes to town 
she still makes me frow
the mean girl and strange girl from frystown !

Pyramid Poems By Josh B

Big, Scary
Eatting,Sneaking, Growling
I Get Very Scared At Night

Scary, Wicked
Cloaking, Dominating, Worrying
It Is As Black As Midnight

Infinite, Dark
Expanding, Accelerating, Floating
It Moves Faster Than The Speed Of Light

Mysterious, Special
Casting, Purifying, Assisting
I Wish I Could A Wizard

Pure, White
Glimmering, Refreshing, Restoring
It Shines As Bright As The Sun

Historic, Mystical
Mystifying, Wondering, Searching
I Look For The Ancient Relics

Unknown, Strange
Worrying, Reassuring, Hoping
What Is Going To Happen Tomarrow?

Defensive, Evasive
Protcting, Guarding, Defending
I Shall Attack The Enemy With My Power

Pyramid Poems Written By Josh B

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I am Ray

I am fun and pleasant

I wonder why the sky is blue

I hear a train horn

I see pretty clouds in the sky

I want a nice girl friend

I am a father and grandfather and love it

I feel sad when I see someone crying

I touch other peoples hearts

I worry about my daughter

I cry when I think about when my mom died

I am fun and pleasant

I understand that I have memory problems

I say people should treat each other the way they like to be treated

I dream wonderful dreams that I don't want them to end

I try to be nice to other people

I hope that I meet a nice lady and always treat her great

I am fun and pleasant


I am

I am kind and creative
I wonder if I am imaginative
I hear the sound of the wind
I see the gusts of the winds
I want to be the best I can be
I am kind and creative

I pretend to battle dark beings
I feel the presence of evil beings
I touch the aura of living things
I worry I will lose it all
I cry because I think I will fall
I am kind and creative

I understand the Universe is ever-expanding
I say "Let's go on forever"
I dream about my own future
I try to do my best
I hope I can do my best
I am kind and creative


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Summer Movies 2012 Pre-view

I'm honestly stumped for topics to write about this week because I don't want to write another sports article and I haven't seen any new movies. Still, I like the idea of looking ahead to some upcoming movies as I'm watching the baseball season unfold. Therefore, I'm going to use this space to preview summer movie season 2012. These are some movies I plan to watch this summer, and also films I think may deserve a look from the general public:

The Avengers: Release date May 4. This will be the first Marvel film distributed by Disney (with the exception of the Spider-Man films, all the others were distributed by Fox). I personally see this as a good thing. If there's one thing Disney does best, it’s marketing and creating high expectations (hype). This movie is what 4 years and five films (Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, and Captain America) have been leading up to, and you can expect Disney to build it up like no one's business. The Avengers will be the film that officially kicks off the summer season, and it will do so in grand fashion. I have hopes for this movie, especially since it's being directed by Joss Whedon (creator of nerd-friendly shows like Buffy and Firefly), but I don't know much more about it besides who the characters are. The one thing that I am sure of, with this movie, is that it's going to be big.

Brave: Release date June 22. Pixar’s Brave is another film with which I’m mainly basing my opinion on hype. I don’t know a lot about the creative team or voice actors, because none of them are Pixar regulars that I recognize, but the trailers for the film (Pixar’s first try at fantasy) look really good. I plan to see this movie. Pixar has earned my trust.

The Amazing Spider Man: Release date June 22.The second Marvel movie this summer, Amazing is a reboot of the Spider-Man films, previously directed by Sam Raimi and staring Tobey McGuire. This film will star Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, and will be closer to the original comic book, in that Peter’s first love interest will be Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), instead of his eventual wife Mary Jane Watson. I will watch this film out of a sense of nerdy obligation, but I have my reservations about this executive-driven reboot. I loved Andrew Garfield in The Social Network, and I wish him and director Mark Webb the best in these films, but I’d rather keep Spider-man as far away from Sony as possible

The Dark Knight Rises: Release date: July 20. Another superhero film released this year. The Dark Knight (2008) was one of the greatest superhero movies ever made, and this film, it’s sequel, is probably the most anticipated blockbuster this summer.  This is the movie I am most looking forward to this year.

Other summer blockbusters that I will wait and see on, but may be worth checking out (if the reviews are good):

Men in Black III. Release date May 25.The first MIB movie was the perfect Will Smith action comedy - the second one, not so much. I don't particularly have high hopes for this third installment, but it certainly looks like their trying to bring some level of dignity to it with the casting (Smith and co-star Tommy Lee Jones are back, with the addition of Emma Thompson as another MIB operative).

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted. Release date June 8, Yet another three-quel to an unnecessary sequel to a good movie. Are you starting to sense a pattern too? If I were you, I'd save my money and watch the Penguins of Madagascar TV show instead of this cash-in.

Mirror, Mirror: Release date March 30.  This is the only movie on my “wait and see” list that I may actually check out. This is a spoof of the Snow White story, and from the ads, it looks pretty funny.  Like the other movies on my wait and see list,  I’m still going to wait for positive reviews on it before I check it out.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Final Oscar Post: Academy Commentary

After much discussion and review of this year's Oscar nominees, the Oscars are over, so I've decided to give my opinion of the 84th Academy Awards. My reaction to this year’s Oscars is very lukewarm. To be frank, I think the Academy is getting a little out of touch (warning: rant imminent.). The one decision they made this year to appeal to a wider audience was to bring back Billy Chrystal as the host, who was hilarious as usual. Other than that, the Academy still seemed to ignore the larger public.  Modern movie going demographics are all over the place in terms of age, gender, nationality and ethnicity. In contrast to that, a Los Angeles Times study found that that the Academy voters are 77% male, nearly 94% white/Caucasian, and 84% over 50 years old (\latimes.com/entertainment/news/movies/academy/la-et-unmasking-oscar-academy-project-html,0,7473284.htmlstory ). This helps explain why the Academy continues to vote for movies that mostly appeal to just a small, select group of people (old-fashioned movie buffs). The age gap is what matters most to me. This year, The Artist, a silent , independent film , won 5 Oscars, including best Picture and best original score (someone please explain to me how a silent film wins for best music score) . Who saw The Artist before the Oscars? Apparently, just the critics and people who live in big cities, because before The Oscars, I hadn’t heard from anyone who’d seen it unless they specifically went to New York or Philly to see it. I’m sorry to anyone who had seen The Artist during its limited release and loved it ; but, it seems to me that the system is rigged so that limited release movies like that can be made specifically to win awards. Slumdog Millionaire did almost the exact same thing a few years ago.

          I want to be clear that I am less upset about The Artist winning than I am about what other deserving movies it beat out. Believe me, I’m sure The Artist was great (I intend to see it during its wide release), but Hugo and Moneyball were also nominated for best picture. Both were deserving movies that I already reviewed. If Hugo had won, it would have been the first 3D film to win Best Picture. If Moneyball had won, it would have been the first baseball movie to win. I bring this up because Hugo and Moneyball were accessible, enjoyable films. They were also really good and dramatic. Why didn’t they win? Were they not traditional enough? Hugo did win in several other categories,(cinematography, sound nixing, sound editing, visual effects) but Moneyball didn’t win in any. I call foul. A similar thing happened last year when the excellent but very modern The Social Network lost to the also great but more traditional film, The King’s Speech.

Again, I want to stress that I am not against good films winning awards. What bugs me is the accessibility gap. In an earlier review, I voiced concerns that The Adventures of Tintin, an excellent and accessible film, wasn't even nominated for best animated feature. While the eventual winner of the category, Rango, was pretty good film, I have my own issues with it in terms of accessibility. Personally, I found that Tintin was easier to follow, had more likable characters, and relied less on old cinema in-jokes. For proof, I point you to both films' world-wide grosses: Tintin grossed $373,567,516 and Rango grossed $244, 57,58 1(boxofficie.com).

I have other issues with the Oscars, Like Harry Potter not winning a single award, even for makeup, but this article is long enough. Thanks for reading it.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

    The Irish are popping in green for their holiday. There is green EVERYWHERE!! The people usually always dress in that color for work and school days also. Some times you see little leprechauns hopping around, LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you won't get to scared if some foot prints are the yard, please don't call Erlick.

                                 JUST LOOK OUT FOR THE GREEN GUYS 

Post created by:  Robyn and Gary

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Summer Olympics 2012 London England

       The Summer Olympics, which is always an event which bring many tourist too the host city will be hosted by London England during the 2012 games.  This is good news for the people of London who are surviveing through one of the worst economic crashes ever.  It is estameted that the 2012 Olympic Games will bring in about 1.6 billion dollars for British busnieses which as the prime minister David Cameroon said. The games will bring investors too London if they have never been there before.  But with the outside investments the games bring several problems with it too the host city.  Owners of London's movie theater's are ecpecting the theaters to be filled tith empty seats.  Also the London form of public transportaion, the tube, which is like the subway had its contuctors therten to strike. But with the games comes the growth of the construction insustry. This will also help England's economy since the construction companies will need to buy building matterial and also hire prople to design sporting complexes, which England will be able to turn into housing complexes, because the foundation had already been layed, once the 2012 Olympic games have been cimpleted. As the former wastlands of East End have been completly remaid so that they will comply with the olympic building standards.  This formula worked in 1992 when Barcelona hosted the summer olympics and again in 2010 when Vancouver hosted the winter olympics they were forced to sell some of there assets.  But for every eucess story there is one that ends up with the opposite end result. There is an Athens story of despair, who hosted the 2004 and ended up in dept with millions of dollers still to pay of after they hosted the Olympic games. For every tale of debt and depair, there is the angle Vancouver choice to take and sell off some of its own assets to help pay for the total cost of the games.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ncaa men's basketball champinship

         Min's basketball in the NCAA (national Collete athletic association) national championship is determined by a national tournament in which every team that qualifies is invited. Every team in the tournament is given a seed number. That number is how the experts predict that team will finish. Before the first ball is tipped every expert decides which of the four regions each team will play in. East, west, south east, and south west, the regions depend on the location of the school. There are a few ways in which a team may earn an invitation to the tournament. When a team wins their conference tournament they automatically earn a spot in the national tournament. There is also what is called an at large bid, which means if a team beats other teams that are bigger and more have a higher rank that team will also earn an a bid. The first round starts with 64 teams, but the national tournament is a win or go home tournament, so half of the teams are cut every round. The second round starts with 32 teams, then down to 16, 8, 4, finally the national championship game is played. Although the teams with a number one seed have the best chance to win but, there are some surprises every year. One of the biggest surprises of last years tournament was the small college of Vcu and Butler, Butler who played Uconn in the national title game. Vcu which made it all the way to the elite 8, before losing to 2011 champion Uconn (41-53). Although Butler made it further than anyone expected they were defeated by another power house school University of Connecticut. The fact that the small college of Butler made it to the final forces the public to wonder should more small schools be given the opportunity to show the country that they can play competitively with the powerhouse universities. Although it will not happen mostly because the major powerhouse schools bring in a larger audience to their games and also donate the more money, than a small school can.
 The final outcome of the national championship would have been different had Butler been able to shoot the basketball a little better.  But the fact is the game was taken over by the Connecticut big men, Kemba walker and Jeremy Lamb.  Butler had only one player who could score as much as the Uconn big men and that was Shelvin Mack, who led his team in points, (13) and rebounds (9).  But that is compared to Uconn's Kemba walker's (16) points and Alex Oriakhi (11) rebounds.
     Had Butler had a big man that could score and play defense they might not have needed so, much from their star Shelvin Mack who must have been extra tired having too lead Butler in Scoring and rebounding.  The fact is though that Butler did better than anyone had expected them too.  But the fans of the University of Connecticut would say the biggest story of the tournament was the fact that for the first time a school,Uconn, who did not receive an invitation too the NCAA tournament the year before, came back as an at large bid and won the entire tournament. Never before has a school been able too accomplish that goal.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Quote of the Day

Jumping for joy is good exercise.  ~Author Unknown

Posted by Ben

Monday, February 20, 2012

Moneyball Review

The Oscars are this Sunday, so this will be my last review of an Oscar nominated film before the show itself. In my Hugo review, I mentioned Moneyball being one of the films competing with Hugo that I am rooting for.  Moneyball was nominated for Best Picture, Actor in a leading role, Actor in a Supporting role, Film Editing, Sound Mixing, and Adapted screenplay. I really hope Moneyball wins one of those six awards, because it’s an outstanding, worthy film, and not just for baseball fans like me.
Moneyball is an adaptation of the 2003 book which covered several subjects, most importantly the true story of Oakland Athletics General Manager and former player Billy Beane, who shook up his team and consequently the world of baseball around 2002. In The film, Beane is played by Brad Pitt, whose nomination for best actor is well deserved. Pitt steals every scene in this movie, when he’s not sharing the spotlight with fellow nominee Jonah Hill, who plays Beane’s assistant GM Peter Brand. All of their scenes together are delightfully fun to watch, even when they’re just sitting behind a computer talking strategy and statistics.
The film goes to great lengths to appeal to those in the audience who are not baseball fans. For one thing, all scenes dealing with the intricacies of how and why Billy is rebuilding the Athletics are easy to understand, and in most cases, are enjoyable to watch.        For another thing, the film is foremost a character study of Beane. According to the film, much of Beane’s motivation for rebuilding the Athletics by disregarding conventional wisdom comes from his past as a failed #1 prospect. The scenes of young Billy (Reed Thompson) choosing to sign with the Mets and subsequently  struggling on the field before finally giving up playing are powerfully dramatic and I would go so far as to call them the glue that holds the film together.
As  I said, I will be rooting for Moneyball in The Oscars, but it’s long shot since it’s competing against Hugo  in 4 categories and other Oscar favorite The Artist  in 3. Still, Moneyball is definitely worthy of it s nominations and absolutely worth watching.
By Colin V

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Romance this evening at Acadia

I think we're in love
I'm falling head over heels
With you this evening

By: Robyn and Ben

A Stray

                                   LOVE IS A LONG WALK:                            
                                                           WAS IT LONGER THEN WE THOUGHT ;
                                                                  CAN WE SIT AND TALK ;

Acadia News

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hugo Review

When I was seeing Tintin with my mom and little brother, my dad and sister went to see Hugo. While I loved Tintin, eventually I decided to see Hugo myself because of the rave reviews. To put it simply, Hugo amazed me. Apparently, it also amazed the Academy, being nominated for Best Picture, Cinematography, Art Direction, Costume Design, Directing, Film Editing, Original Score, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, Visual Effects, and Adapted Screenplay. That makes 11 nominations, the most since Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2004). What made LOTR  so special is that it swept all 11 categories, and while I’m not really rooting for Hugo to also sweep because it’s competing in some categories against films I saw and liked this year (Harry Potter, Tintin, and Moneyball), I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it does. Hugo is a nearly perfect film.  

The two things that stand out most about Hugo are the beautifully simple and captivating story and the intricate, out of sequence way in which it’s told. Throughout the film, the audience follows the tale of orphan boy Hugo Cabret (Asa Butterfield), who lives and works in a Paris Train Station after WWI. All he wants to do is fix an automaton, the last relic of his late father. This leads to him “fixing” much more: The life and dreams of a retired filmmaker he didn’t even know. It’s a simple and beautiful tale. What makes it unique is that all the details of the story--How Hugo became an orphan, why he lives in the station, what led him to the filmmaker—aren’t made clear until the end of the film. In two incredibly well written, well acted, and beautifully directed scenes at the end of the movie, the plot comes together and all the character’s actions begin to make sense.  Until then, we get snippets of plot, like the scenes  detailing Hugo’s back-story, and him meeting and befriending Isabelle ( Chloë Grace Moretz) , the filmmaker’ s niece , trying to uncover the mystery  of the automaton,  but we don’t know what it means yet.  By the time it all comes together at the end, everyone is smiling—the characters and the audience. Hugo deserves all 11 of its nominations, and it definitely deserves a look.

By Colin V.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Here are some Valentine quotes that I found,I thought you might like.

It is estimated that 15% of the women in the United States who receive flowers for Valentine’s day send them to themselves. There are no figures that tell how many of these women are married, single or in a relationship.

Teachers receive more valentine cards than anyone else, even children.

More than 650 million valentine cards are exchanged by children from ages 6-10 each year. Most of these cards are bought in the last 6 days leading up to Valentine’s day.
Each year the city of Verona Italy receives more than 1000 valentine’s addressed to Shakespeare’s Juliet. It really is amazing how much affection a dead fictional character can attract.

It was once believed that if a woman saw a flying robin on Valentine’s day she would end up getting married to a sailor. If a sparrow was the bird she saw she would end up marrying a man that was poor and live a happy life, if she saw a goldfinch then she was to marry a man that was a millionaire. One can only wonder who she would marry if she saw a crow.

Posted by Jackie.

Veggie Valentine

Below is aValentine's Day poem that I found and thought you might enjoy!

You may not 'Carrot' all for me,
The way I care for you,
You may 'Turnip' your nose at me,
When I plead with you.

But if your 'Heart' should 'Beet' with mine,
Forever 'Lettuce' hope,
There is no reason in the world,
 why we two 'Cantaloupe'.

Poem retrieved from http://www.brownielocks.com/valentinepoems.html

Post created by Ben.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Tintin Review

It’s Oscar season. For me, that means it’s time to talk about good movies. The full list of the nominees was released Jan. 24, and because this is the sort of thing that gets me thinking and writing, my next several posts will probably be related to the Oscars. Personally, the only category that I really pay attention to besides the big 5 (best movie, director, actor, actress, original screenplay) and the ones pertaining to movies I watched that year is Best Animated Film. In recent years, that category has been dominated y the excellent Pixar animation studio. Unfortunately, even though Cars 2 was a good movie, it wasn’t up to Pixar’s usual standards of excellence, and it didn’t even get nominated. Instead The Academy chose a couple of DreamWorks films (Kung fu Panda 2, Puss in Boots) and Rango, completely ignoring the Golden Globes’ pick and mine, the Adventures of Tintin.

Unlike recent movies that were adaptations of ongoing comic books, Tintin requires no prior knowledge of the source material to understand or appreciate. Like any good film, all you need to know about the plot or characters is shown through the actions and dialogue of the characters themselves. The rest of the story is told by the stellar motion-capture animation, which beautifully depicts all the action, adventure, comedy, and drama this movie has to offer. The film begins when Tintin, (Jamie Bell) buys a rare model ship from a market stall, just looking for a story for his newspaper. What he finds is wild, captivating adventure well worth writing about.  Go watch The Adventures of Tintin, and see for yourself what The Academy missed.

Colin V.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Murder Mayhem at Acadia

By Bill B, Ben, Jonathan, Dan, Kathy, Robyn, Gary, and Maggie
Written in a Cognitive Skills Group on January 10, 2012 
Three days passed before they found the body.  Detective Bill B, who was in charge of the investigation, was resultantly fired.  “But the leads they gave me were gnarly.  They sent me every wrong direction,” he protested, as he packed up his office in shame.

Bill’s assistant, Laura, suddenly saw a snake on the ground where the body was found.  “Oh my gosh, guys, get over here and take a look at this!”

 Ben, Jonathan, Dan, Kathy, Robyn, Gary, and Maggie rushed to the scene.  There was a gut-wrenching stench.  Kathy yelled, “this is doing wonders for my appetite and I had a gourmet pizza for lunch.  I think I’m going to hurl.”  She proceeded to puke. 

Everyone leapt back due to the pungent smell.  While hopping back, Dan stumbled and fell over something fleshy.  “Are you okay?” Laura yelled. 

“I’m okay, but why am I covered in blood?”

Gary peered at Dan and asked, “is it because you’re so blood-thirsty?”

“Forget that,” yelled Robyn, “what the heck is that body doing there?”

Ben acclaimed, “Oh my gosh, that’s Donald Duck!”

Jonathan looked down at the corpse, threw himself on top of the duck and exclaimed while bawling, “that’s my brother!”

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Muppets Review

It’s hard to mess up a concept as simple, engaging, and fun as the Muppets. Unfortunately, the American public seems to have forgotten that fact a little in the few decades since the Muppets were at the height of their popularity, choosing instead since the ‘90s to focus on less wholesome aspects of pop culture such as MTV, Comedy Central, and juicy celebrity gossip. The latest Muppet movie is aware of this, and the majority of the film is the juxtaposition of the more family friendly Muppets with modern day cynicism, with wildly entertaining results.

The movie begins with a montage showing the lives of brothers Gary and Walter. The fact that Gary, played by Jason Segal, is a man and his brother Walter is a Muppet is not ignored by the movie. That Gary and Walter can be brothers raises more questions than it answers, but the movie has little time to wax philosophical about the existence of Muppets in a world of humans, because soon we are introduced to Gary’s girlfriend, Mary (Amy  Adams) which leads us to our first musical number. Yes, The Muppets is a musical, which shouldn’t be surprising since music has been a major part of The Muppets since the ‘70s, and almost every Muppet movie since The Muppet Movie has been a musical. What surprised me was the scope and scale of the musical numbers in The Muppets. Every song is big, fun, and very well performed. They pulled out all the stops to make this movie big.  

After our first number explains in grand fashion how content the characters are with their lives, the movie finally gets a around to having a plot. Gary, Mary, and Walter are taking a trip to Hollywood to meet the Muppets. They finally meet Kermit, but not before Walter discovers a plot to tear down the Muppet studio and drill for oil. The plan is to save the studio by putting on one more show.   Hilarity ensues. The Muppets is definitely worth seeing.

By Colin V.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Meteor Shower Tonight!

For those night owls, there is a scheduled Meteor Shower at 2:00 AM on January 3, 2012. What exactly is a meteor shower? A meteor shower is magnificiant dazzling display from a neighboring constellation. This occurs when there are a large number of meteors at a particular time. Meteor showers are created by debris that fall from comets.

Examples of meteor showers are given below.